Compare the Toyota Camry Hybrid to the Honda Accord Hybrid ~ Hybrid Car Review
Hybrid Car Review: Compare the Toyota Camry Hybrid to the Honda Accord Hybrid

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Compare the Toyota Camry Hybrid to the Honda Accord Hybrid

The New York Times compared the Toyota Camry Hybrid to the Honda Accord Hybrid in a publication on April 2nd.

The Toyota Camry hybrid has a smaller engine (2.4-liter, 4 cylinder) but better mileage (40 city/38 highway) in comparison to the Honda Accord 3-liter V6 (25 city/34 highway). The major gains to the mileage for the Camry comes from its continuous transmission and full hybrid capabilities. Honda focuses on performance for its hybrids (Integrated Motor Assist system), while Toyotas Hybrid Synergy Drive tends to focus in on fuel economy.

Both have great emissions ratings with Advanced Technology - Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle (AT-PZEV) rating. But the Toyota Camry Hybrid came out with a sticker price $5000 below that of the base price of the Honda Accord Hybrid.

Honda Accord Hybrid sales are down almost 20% in the first quarter in comparison to first quarter sales last year.

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