Comparing flex fuel to hybrids ~ Hybrid Car Review
Hybrid Car Review: Comparing flex fuel to hybrids

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Comparing flex fuel to hybrids

A comparison of flex-fuel vehicles to hybrids

1) Mileage
Hybrid vehicles get better mileage than flex fuel vehicles. Flex-fuel vehicles can't compete with the mileage that hybrids can get. That can add up to significant weekly savings when visiting the gas pump.

2) Cost to Purchase
Hybrid cars cost more. Sometimes they cost thousands more. So, you may save at the pump, but you have to pay more up front. That's why long term planning needs to be involved unless you are more worried about being 'green' rather than owning 'green.'

3) Nothing to learn
Neither vehicle requires anything more from a driver than conventional cars. Once you step on the gas, you're good to go. You might be startled by the engine stopping at red lights in a hybrid, but once you're on the highway, you won't notice the difference.

4) Flex-fuel vehicles require flex fuel
There are very few places where you can purchase E85 gasoline at the moment, and it's only a few cents less than gas. Which means, you may not be reducing America's dependence on oil anytime soon if you buy a flex fuel vehicle (although you will be upping the carmakers CAFE numbers, but that's a different story). The hybrid car doesn't require any special fuel.

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